Our interfaces
Find the right solution to meet your needs
Codata Explorer
All tools and data available 24/7
Codata is a SaaS solution and the real-time answer to your daily needs in the commercial real estate sector. This online service allows you to consult and download all elements of the Codata database.

Codata Files
Codata raw data to import in your own informatic tools
Designed to accompany you when you are on the move, our app allows you to consult all the Codata data wherever you are and whenever you want on your smartphone.
Codata Mobile is the optimised solution to help you save time and improve efficiency when you are travelling:
Codata Files
Codata raw data to import in your own informatic tools
Files on commercial sites, retail locations, historical statistics or files on retailers, Codata Files provides you with detailed and complete data files for all your specific and sporadic needs.
Codata Key Plans
A comprehensive cartography of 4,500 commercial sites
An overview of commercial site is the best way to understand the retail environment in a city centre, a retail area or a shopping centre. With Codata Key Plans, you can order detailed maps in a vector format and printed in high-quality.