News : City centre of Montpellier
With the shopping streets, the shopping centres “Galerie du Triangle” and “Polygone” and the station “Gare Saint-Roch”, the city centre of Montpellier includes 1,229 shops.
Vacancy rate and occupancy rate of Retailers
For the third consecutive year, the vacancy rate in the city centre has decreased. With a diminution of 1.2 points, it went from 8.8 % to 7.6 %.
The vacancy rate remains below the average for French city centres, set at 10.5 % in 2020. The national average for 2021 will be available at the end of our census campaign and will allow us to confirm or refute this trend.

Since 2016, no increase in the percentage of Retailers had been registered. It has been steadily decreasing. However, the trend reversed as the percentage of Retailers has risen from 32.9 % in 2020 to 33 % in 2021.
Activities : significant trends
Often in difficulty, and further weakened by the Covid-19 crisis, the “Clothing” activity suffered a relatively small loss : two shops have disappeared between 2020 and 2021.
The “Perfumes – Beauty – Body care” activity is on the rise. After a period of stagnation at 150 occupied shops, the activity has expanded again and reaches 161 shops in 2021.
The “Café-Hotel-Restaurant” activity has also made a real leap forward, with 26 additional shops in 2021 and totalling 264 shops (compared with 238 in 2020).
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