Focus on Stuttgart
Stuttgart, often called the “cradle of the automobile”, is the capital city of Baden-Württemberg. It’s also the sixth largest city in Germany with a population of more than 600,000 inhabitants. The unemployment rate is 5%.
Listed in April 2013, the centre of Stuttgart includes 846 shops located in shopping streets and shopping centres (Klett-Passage – Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart – Königsbau Passagen). A fourth shopping centre (Gerber) will open its doors in Spring 2014 and include 85 shops.
Only 15.89 % of shops are situated in shopping centres with 63 national retailers while 298 of them are located in shopping streets.
In shopping streets, national retailers represent 40.82 % of all shops. They are mainly located in Kronprinzstraße, Königstraße (lower part) and Schulstraße.
Königstraße (crossed by Schlossplatz) has 203 shops including 179 national retailers, which represents 88.17%.