Codata Factsheet | Troyes (city centre)

Each month, Codata selects a city centre that has been recently studied by our team of data-collectors in order to share the latest trends observed on site.

Last January, our team of data-collectors conducted the annual census of the city centre of Troyes. The city centre encompasses 531 locations, of which 493 are retail locations. Among the retail locations, 410 are occupied by shops.

Codata Factsheet Troyes city centre 2025

Vacancy rate

The commercial vacancy rate has increased in the city centre. The proportion of vacant units rose from 13.1% to 13.8% between 2024 and 2025.

The occupancy rate of retailers

The percentage of shops occupied by retailers has decreased. Whereas the rate was 34.0 % in 2024, it stands at 31.5% in 2025.

Evolution of activities

The ‘Café-Hotel-Restaurant’ activity continues to rank as the sector with the highest occupancy rate in the city centre. This rate has reached 24.9% (102 establishments).

In second place, ‘Perfumes – Beauty – Body care’ occupies 15.9% of shops in Troyes city centre (i.e. 65 shops).

Finally, ‘Services’ closes the Top 3 with 15.4% occupancy (i.e. 63 occupied locations).

For further details, please consult the Codata Factsheet.

Codata method

The accuracy and exclusivity of our data reside in our on-site data collection method conceived and tested by our own team of data-collectors. A unique process that includes multiple control points and a systematic census conducted every year, city by city, in France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

For further information, please contact our team