Codata Factsheet – Nantes
Our data-collectors carried out the census of the cluster “Nantes City centre” on the 28th of last September. The cluster is made of four Codata Sites: Shopping Streets, “Carré Feydeau”, “Passage Châtelaine” and “Passage Pommeraye”.
It is the first time since 2017 that the vacancy rate has decreased in the town centre: it went down from 6.2 % in 2020 to 5.4 % in 2021.
Despite multiple increases between 2018 and 2020, the vacancy rate remained below the national average.
The occupancy rate of Retailers diminished and went from 37.3 % in 2020 to 36.9 % in 2021. Among closures of shops operated by Retailers, five travel agencies have closed down, thus making it the most impacted activity (grouping “Services”).

Axes “Rue du Calvaire” and “Rue Crébillon” share first place when it comes to the axes with the highest number of shops, containing 45 each. However, the concentration of Retailers is more divided: “Rue du Calvaire” has a Retailers occupancy rate of 62.2 % whereas “Rue Crébillon” has a Retailers occupancy rate of 80 %.
Next are axes “Rue Scribe” and “Rude Contrescarpe” with 35 and 34 shops and Retailers occupancy rates reaching 34.3 % and 44.1 % respectively.
Yet anchors are mostly located upon axes “Rue du Calvaire” (62.2 % of Retailers) and “Rue de Feltre” (73.3 % Retailers).
Shops situated upon those axes are predominantly occupied by the activity “Clothing”. Moreover, the activity declined and lost 10 points of sale in 2021, whereas it had been relatively stable since 2017.
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