Codata Factsheet | Liège (city centre 2024)

Each month, Codata selects a city centre that has been recently studied by our team of data-collectors in order to share the latest trends observed on site.

Last June, our team of data-collectors conducted the annual census of the city centre of Liège (Belgium). The cluster encompasses four commercial sites totalling 1,168 locations, of which 817 are occupied by shops.

Codata Factsheet Liège (BE) city centre 2024

Commercial sites included in the city centre of Liège:

  • Shopping streets
  • Galeries Saint-Lambert (shopping centre)
  • Ilot Shopping (shopping centre)
  • Passage Lemonnier (shopping centre)

Commercial vacancy rate has increased: the proportion of empty retail locations went from 19.8% in 2023 to 21.8% in 2024.

In terms of distribution, the activity “Cafés-Hotels-Restaurants” remains at the top of the ranking of sectors with the highest occupancy rates with a 31.8% occupancy rate (i.e. 260 locations).

Second place goes to the “Clothing” activity with a 15.5% occupation rate (i.e. 127 shops). Finally, the activity “Perfumes-Beauty-Body care” closes the ranking with a 12.1% occupation rate (i.e. 99 shops).

The proportion of retailers has decreased: 21.4% in 2023 compared with 21.3% in 2024.

For further details, please consult the Codata Factsheet.

For further information, please contact our team