Codata Factsheet – Bruxelles
Among the studied Sites in Brussels, “Brussel: Stadscentrum” is the major cluster of the Region. No less than 1,852 locations are listed in this part of the Belgian capital city.
Five Shopping centres are linked to the Site: Anspach Shopping (19 shops), City 2 (99 shops), Koninklijke Sint-Hubertusgalerijen (53 shops), Station Brussel-Centraal (18 shops) and The Mint Brussels (28 shops). Retailers are mainly regrouped in those shopping centres. Within the shopping streets, Retailers favour the axis “Rue Neuve ~ Nieuwstraat” where they occupy 58 of the 69 existing shops (occupancy rate: 84.1%).
In total, Retailers represent 26.7% of the shops in the cluster in 2022 vs 27.7% in 2021.
The activity “Café-Hotel-Restaurant” largely dominates the commercial offer of “Brussel: Stadscentrum”, occupying 35.4% of the shops in 2022. In comparison, the occupancy rate of “Café-Hotel-Restaurant” in the Belgian city centres clusters was 23.4% in 2021.
“Clothing”, although it is the second most represented in the cluster, occupies only 13.9% of the shops and is well below the national average of 18.4% in 2021.
Vacancy rate has slightly dropped between the last two Codata censuses. After the latest study (14th March 2022), vacancy rate has reached 12.9%. The previous rate (2nd February 2021) was 13.3%.